CR rating informational block indicates the generalized company‘s risk evaluation, taking into account various insolvency factors, sectors‘ tendencies, financial data. One can use the simplified risk scale-traffic light or: ![]()
Below CR rating changes during short and long time periods is presented in tables and graphs.: Wide variety of different indicators is used for calculation of values from CR rating information block:
When to use? ➤It is recommended to use CR rating informational block for search of new (solvent) clients, credit terms decisions, execution of pricing besed on risk evaluating. * View the service "Clients’ risk evaluation" ** View the service "Informational monitoring" How to evaluate? ➤When the judgement if it is advisable to start collaboration is needed, it is recommended to use CR rating evaluation (for detailed analysis), values of CR rating class (if simpler evaluation is enough) or just scale of three colours traffic light (for simplified decision making).
If (using CR rating information) it is decided to start/prolong collaboration and the client is asking for a deferral of payment, it is advisable to use CR limit information. Automatically calculated maximal credit limit with 30 days deferral term is presented in CR rating table. It is worth mentioning that, due to automation of this limit, some of factors are not taken into account. These include specific relations with client, importance according to business sectors, clients’ number and so on. Therefore, these changes can be imposed in particular cases while evaluating maximal credit limits:
Specific cases ➤There are sevaral different cases when CR limit is not indicated. At first, CR limit is never calculated for companies to whom CR rating is not calculated (companies with low turnover, new or unregistered companies). Other cases:
Why its is valuable? ➤+ CR rating saves time and money – less pocessing and analysis of big amount of data, less funds for additional data purchase. + Accurate: generalizes big amounts of data and presents clear and breaf conclusion regarding the potential of business relations. + "Fresh" – updated every day. Reflects the newest status changes of the company at once. + Comfortable – no need to wait, to go anywhere. Just open the site www.cr.lt: