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No. Company   No. Company
901. UAB Geka.LT   951. UAB "Gornita"
902. UAB "Geldmeta"   952. UAB "Goveta"
903. UAB "Gėlių paviljonas"   953. UAB "Govsudlus"
904. UAB "Gelona"   954. UAB G.P COMPANY SRL
905. UAB "Geltonas lotosas"   955. UAB "Gračas"
906. UAB "GEMCONA"   956. UAB "Gramonta"
907. UAB "General Project Services"   957. UAB "Granatmedis"
908. UAB "Genius Ways"   958. UAB "GRANDE"
909. UAB "Georgian Architects Group"   959. UAB "Graviravimo technologijos"
910. UAB "Geoterminio šildymo sistemos"   960. UAB "GREATER LIBERATION CITY"
911. UAB "Gera autonuoma"   961. UAB "Greenwallet"
912. UAB "Gera dirbti"   962. UAB "Greenway Vilnius"
913. UAB "Gera energija"   963. UAB "Greftina"
914. UAB "GERAI ORGANIZUOTI PROJEKTAI"   964. UAB "Greitas manevras"
915. UAB "GERAUTA"   965. UAB "Greiti vertimai"
916. UAB "GERDITA"   966. UAB "Greitos padangos"
917. UAB "Gerla"   967. UAB "GREITVILA"
919. UAB "Get Table"   969. UAB "Greoleks"
920. UAB "Gianta"   970. UAB "GRG sprendimai"
921. UAB "GIEDETA"   971. UAB "Grilio meistrai"
923. UAB "Gintolga"   973. UAB "Grotana"
924. UAB "GINTREDA"   974. UAB "GroupON Lietuva"
925. UAB "Gipa"   975. UAB "Grovija"
926. UAB "Gipsai"   976. UAB "Grūdų gausa"
927. UAB "Girdeka"   977. UAB "Grundas"
928. UAB "Gireka"   978. UAB GSG Integrum
929. UAB "Giseris"   979. UAB "GTA Transport"
930. UAB "Gitaella"   980. UAB GUFEMA
931. UAB "GITERA"   981. UAB "Gula"
932. UAB "GIZA"   982. UAB "Gunther Technologies"
933. UAB "GLASTA IR KO"   983. UAB "Gurunas"
934. UAB "Globactivas"   984. UAB "Gustė"
935. UAB "GLOBALI LOGISTIKA"   985. UAB "Gutra"
936. UAB "Globali sveikata"   986. UAB "Gyvenimas veža"
937. UAB "Global Mindset Group"   987. UAB "Halaja"
938. UAB "Globalus verslas"   988. UAB "Halilas"
939. UAB "Gloriosum"   989. UAB "Halinos saldumynai"
940. UAB "Glory Group"   990. UAB "Hamersmit"
941. UAB "Godesa ir Debis"   991. UAB "HAMMONTREE INTERNATIONAL"
942. UAB "Gojos plokštė"   992. UAB "Hansasvestas"
943. UAB "Goldika"   993. UAB "Hanzapolis"
944. UAB "Goldikus"   994. UAB "Hasanovas"
945. UAB "Goldmina"   995. UAB "Hemitė"
946. UAB "Goldseta"   996. UAB "Henrieta"
947. UAB "Golinta"   997. UAB "Herman Data"
948. UAB "Gomernas"   998. UAB "Hermess LT"
949. UAB "Gorana"   999. UAB "Hermetika"
950. UAB "Gordina"   1000. UAB "Hetros"